Saturday, March 6, 2010

Tips in Adulthood

Rule # 1   : If you know it
                            It's your fault.
Rule # 2   : It's always your fault

Rule # 3   : Be and Maintain happiness
                            Sadness is your fault
Rule # 4   : Reponisbility is your fault
Rule # 5   : Obsession is image
                            Obsession is your fault.
Rule # 6   : Efficency is necessary.
                            Wanting is your fault.
Rule # 7   : You are a King and Queen
                            (now) it is your fault.
Rule # 8   : If you can't learn
                            It's your fault.
Rule # 9   : If you teach falsely
                             and    believe you do
                                   it's your fault.
Rule # 10 : If your faults make you happy
                   It's your fault.     


You All, righteous steady paced
    Blurry figurines all out to
                       prove their point.
    I had a seam to put of all to "all" together
     again, all too soon.
Should I go which way.
which way Could I go

Slow down you'll scare them
or freak 'em.
    Fuck em!
But if you cannot beat them
join 'em 

Friday, March 5, 2010

Doppel M & Ego

"i'm going to stop drinking mixed drinks, they're deceiving, and for women."

...and only a woman should be deceived?"
